domingo, 28 de febrero de 2016


Message formats
In this section, we introduce rgw MQ and Java Message Service (JMS) message
MQ messages must contain a message descriptor (MQMD) header. The MQMD
contains the control information that accompanies the application data when a
message travels between the sending and receiving applications. The MQMD
has several fields, including the following fields:
_ MsgId
The MsgId is the identifier of the message that is sent to the queue. The
application can supply a message identifier, or it can prompt the queue
manager to generate a unique one.
_ CorrelId
The correlation identifier is normally used to provide an application with some
means of matching a response with the request message. Usually the correlId
of the reply is equal to the MsgId of the request message.
_ ReplyToQ
In this field, you enter the name of the queue that is set by the sending
application. The response is put into this queue.
MQ messages can contain other types of headers, including MQRFH2, which
carries JMS-specific data that is associated with the message content. The
MQRFH2 Version 2 is an extensible header and can also carry additional
information that is not directly associated with JMS.

JMS message format
JMS messages contain a header, the properties, and body as shown in
Figure 4-2. Only the header is required. The properties and the body are
A JMS message header contains values that both clients and providers use to
identify and route messages. The header has several fields, including the
following fields:
_ JMSMessageID
The JMSMessageID is the identifier of the message that is sent to the queue
or topic.
_ JMSCorrelationID
The correlation identifier is normally used to provide an application with some
means of matching a response with the request message. Usually the
correlation ID of the reply is equal to the message ID of the request message.
_ JMSDestination
This field represents the queue or the topic to which the message is sent.
_ JMSReplyTo
This field contains the name of the queue where the response should be put.
It is set by the sending application.
JMS properties are used to support application-defined property values.
Properties provide an efficient mechanism to filter application-defined messages
by using message selectors.
JMS defines several message body types that cover the majority of messaging
styles that are currently in use. See Table 4-1 on page 55.

We also discuss imports, exports, and bindings. SCA applications use imports
with messaging bindings to send messages to messaging clients. These
applications use exports with messaging bindings to receive messages from
messaging clients.
We discuss the following SCA artifacts and their relationship to a JMS client:
_ Business objects
_ Interfaces
_ Imports, exports and their bindings

Business objects
Service Data Objects (SDOs) define the data flowing between SCA components.
WebSphere Process Server uses business objects, which are enhanced SDOs to
pass data between SCA components.

If the message that is used by the client is in XML format, the XML schema that
defines it is used as the business object. If this schema exists, it can be imported
into the business integration module. The imported XML schema appears under
Data Types in the module. If this schema does not already exist, a business
object can be created with attributes that mirror the XML format that is used by
the client.

Data bindings handle the transformation of data passed in native format from a
messaging system or enterprise information system (EIS) to an SDO in an SCA

An interface represents the input and output of a messaging client application.
That is, the interface represents the interaction with the client.
An interface has operations that describe the messaging client application
operations. An operation can be a one-way operation, sending a message and
not expecting a response, or a request-response operation, sending a message
and expecting a returning message.

Imports, exports and bindings
A business object represents the message, and an interface represents the
interaction of the input and output of the messaging client.
But how is the data transferred between the client and these SCA artifacts?
Business objects and interfaces are found in a module, which is similar to a
project container. Imports and exports define a module’s external interfaces or
access points. The messaging client interacts with the business objects and
interfaces of an SCA application through the import and export components.
Import components identify services outside of a module that can be called from
within the module. When a message is put on a destination queue by the SCA
application, the associated messaging client processes the event.
With export components, SCA components can listen to requests from external
clients. When a message is put on a destination, the associated SCA export
processes the event invoking the targeted SCA component.

Binding information is required for import and export components to define the
transport to be used for sending messages. The available messaging bindings
include JMS, MQ, and MQ JMS bindings.

Data binding
To convert data that is external to WebSphere Process Server to and from data
objects, some transport bindings require a data binding to be specified. The data
binding translates between the data provided by the transport binding as part of
a message and a data object.

4.1.3 MQ binding

IBM WebSphere MQ is a popular middleware set of products that provide a
well-known set of messaging communications between applications, which can
themselves be on many dissimilar systems. An MQ binding provides a way to
communicate directly with WebSphere MQ using both exports (incoming) and
imports (outgoing). An MQ binding communicates with WebSphere MQ using
native MQ messages.
An MQ binding is new for WebSphere Process Server 6.0.2, and is designed to
provide a direct replacement for the WebSphere MQ Link functionality that is still
available as part of the WebSphere Application Server platform. It is more
straightforward to configure and is generally recommended over MQ Link. An MQ
binding also provides a convenient way to communicate with WebSphere
Message Broker via WebSphere MQ.
In the binding settings, receive and send destination names are specified. These
correspond to destinations on a WebSphere MQ queue manager. Such details
as the queue manager name and the host name for the queue manager must
also be specified.

In this section, we show how a WebSphere MQ message maps to SCA artifacts.
That is, we show how a message maps to a business object and how input and
output from a WebSphere MQ client maps to an interface’s operations.

MQ import and data bindings
Four MQ native body data bindings, which serialize between the SDO and the
MQ message body, are supplied with WebSphere Process Server. In addition,
you can use a user-supplied data binding.

Unstructured Text Message converts an SDO to and from a string. The SDO
is expected to be a JMSTextBody type of business object.
_ Unstructured Binary Message converts an SDO to and from a string. The
SDO is expected to be a JMSBytesBody type of business object.
_ Serialized as XML serializes SDO to XML or deserializes XML to SDO. The
SDO can be of any type.
_ Serialized Java Object serializes and deserializes an SDO to and from a Java
object. The SDO can be of any type.
MQ bindings versus MQ JMS or JMS bindings: Do not be confused by the
use of the JMSTextBody and JMSBytesBody business objects with the
“Unstructured Text Message” and “Unstructured Binary Message” bindings.
The MQ native bindings have no relationship with the MQ JMS or JMS
bindings. These business objects are simply reused for this purpose because
they have the same structure, which is a single string in the case of
JMSTextBody or a single hexBinary in the case of JMSBytesBody.

WebSphere Process Server provides complete support for the MQMD, MQRFH,
and MQRFH2 headers, providing interoperability with JMS and WebSphere
Message Broker. Partial support is provided for messages with a format that
begins with MQH, for example messages with a format for the form MQHxxxxx.
These headers are exposed as binary data in SCA.
Figure 4-5 illustrates the different MQ native data bindings, the MQ message
structure (generated from the those bindings), and the recommended message
domain (parsers) to be used by WebSphere Message Broker.

JMS bindings
The JMS bindings allow inbound JMS communication (via exports) and outbound
communication (via imports). The JMS bindings in WebSphere Process Server
support “plain” JMS messages, not SOAP. WebSphere Process Server is based
on WebSphere Application Server and gives you the following options for JMS
connectivity with WebSphere Message Broker:
_ The default messaging provider
This option is included in WebSphere Application Server. The transport
mechanism for this provider is the service integration bus within WebSphere
Application Server.

JMS import data bindings
Eight JMS body data bindings , which serialize between SDO and the JMS
message body, are supplied with WebSphere Process Server. Figure 4-14 shows
the different data bindings that are provided by WebSphere Integration

WebSphere Integration Developer offers the following data bindings:
_ Serialized Business Object using JMSObjectMessage serializes (or
deserializes) the business object whose underlying implementation is an
SDO, using the standard Java serialization mechanism, and places it in a
JMS object message. It is typically only useful when communicating with
another JMS import or export that uses the same data binding.
_ Business Object XML Using JMS TextMessage serializes the business object
to and from XML and uses a JMS text message to communicate with the JMS
client. Your wrapped data objects must be a complex type. The objects cannot
be a simple type.
_ Simple JMS TextMessage Data Binding sends the JMSTextBody business
object in a TextMessage message body to the client. The message body type
is a String.
_ Simple JMS BytesMessage Data Binding sends the JMSBytesBody business
object in a BytesMessage message body to the client. The message body
type is a byte array.
_ Simple JMS MapMessage Data Binding sends the JMSMapBody business
object in a MapMessage message body to the client. The message body type
is a set of name/value pairs that can be addressed by name. The data type of
the value is a Java primitive.
_ Simple JMS StreamMessage Data Binding sends the JMSStreamBody
business object in a StreamMessage message body to the client. The
message body type is a stream of Java primitives.
_ Simple JMS ObjectMessage Data Binding sends the JMSObjectBody
business object in an ObjectMessage message body to the client. The
message body type is a serialized Java object.
_ Simple JMS Message Data Binding does not have a message body. It can be
used to notify the JMS client of an event or to send simple data in the
message headers or properties.
Web service bindings
Web service bindings allow the call-out of SOAP-based Web services (via
imports), as well as exposing SOAP-based Web services interfaces (via exports).
Both SOAP/HTTP and SOAP/JMS are supported.
Both the HTTP and JMS transport types are presented as one binding type in
WebSphere Integration Developer. However, when you generate a Web service
binding, you are asked which transport type you want to use. SOAP/HTTP is
more common than SOAP/JMS.
Because SOAP is well-defined and maps cleanly into the SCA and SDO model,
no requirement (or facility) is necessary to provide any form of data binding,
either for imports or exports. The Web service bindings support the well-known
encoding styles: document/literal, doc-lit-wrapped, RPC-literal, and

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